Comcast Supports Families in Need with Donations to Hispanic Human Resources Council

Comcast recently donated ten laptops and a 42-inch TV to the Hispanic Human Resources Council (HHRC) in West Palm Beach as part its mission to create a future of unlimited possibilities.
The HHRC serves more than 300 low-income students and families across two locations, with ten percent of its students having a speech-related or developmental disability. The nonprofit provides them with quality social and educational resources to promote healthy, thriving communities.
Xfinity technicians installed the TV in the organization’s waiting room, where parents and clients will now be able to enjoy entertainment while waiting for services. The laptops will be used to further the education of the HHRC’s pre-school students.
“Comcast has been a longtime corporate partner to Hispanic Human Resources Council (HHRC). With our newly opened Family Resource Center, their recent donations have made a meaningful difference in the services provided to the low-income families we serve,” said Fabiana DesRosiers, CEO of the HHRC. “Comcast cares about the community and shares in the HHRC mission to strengthen and empower a stronger family unit!”
Comcast’s community investment initiatives are a part of Project UP, the company’s $1 billion commitment to advancing digital equity for tens of millions of people over the next 10 years.
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