Cape Coral Volunteers Spruce Up Beloved Community Park in Celebration of Arbor Day

More than 50 volunteers from across Southwest Florida recently gathered in Cape Coral to spruce up a beloved neighborhood park. They arrived early at Joe Coviello Park to cut, brush, clean the walking trail and plant more than 100 trees. Some of the volunteers were members of Comcast’s Team UP, like Bradley Biega. Team UP is an always-on, 365-days-a-year effort to provide employees opportunities to get more involved in their community. Bradley, a Comcast business development representative, loves nature and thought this would be the perfect opportunity.
“This event was fulfilling,” said Biega. “As a local resident, I felt the impact … knowing that I can come back to the park with my family in a few months and see the progress of our hard work.”
Comcast teamed up with Keep America Beautiful, Keep Lee County Beautiful and the City of Cape Coral for the Arbor Day event. The city captured the excitement and shared this footage with us. Take a look. 👇
The two-day beautification effort took place April 26 and 27. Cape Coral’s Mayor John Gunter expressed his gratitude to the volunteers. He thanked Comcast for the company’s support to make the tree planting possible. In total, volunteers planted 138 trees.

President & CEO of Keep America Beautiful, Jenny Lawson, was among the attendees.
“We’re thrilled by the turnout to plant trees from our friends at Comcast,” said Lawson. “Volunteers give so much and gain a deeper understanding of their neighbors, the needs of their community and the power of what’s possible when we all come together. Thank you!”

Arbor Day is held the last Friday of April. The holiday encourages people to plant trees in honor of Earth’s nature resources. It also emphasizes the impact of sustainability and how every person’s actions impact the environment.