Jacksonville Volunteers Pack 400,000 Meals for Hungry Children in Florida’s First Coast

Business leaders, community members and volunteers recently gathered in Florida’s First Coast to help in the battle against child hunger. Comcast partnered with Hunger Fight to host and sponsor a series of meal packing events for students across Greater Jacksonville. Unfortunately, the need is great. Thousands of children in the area don’t know where their next meal may come from as families struggle to make ends meet. Over 54% of students or approximately 61,700 are affected by poverty in Duval County alone. A recent report revealed the numbers are even higher in some neighboring communities.

The three-day event presented an opportunity for community engagement ahead of the Thanksgiving Day holiday, so the tech leader deployed Team UP volunteers to the Prime Osborn Convention Center in downtown Jacksonville. Team UP is Comcast’s national volunteer program that provides opportunities 365-days-a-year for employees to get more involved in their local communities. The volunteers joined forces with hundreds of others to collectively pack over 400,000 meals for local families in need. Comcast made a $10,000 contribution to help make the events possible.

Hamed Nusraty was among the Team UP volunteers in attendance. Nusraty, a Branded Partner Manager for Comcast, volunteers often in his community. He’s been with the company for more than 15 months. Nusraty said he feels a sense of pride knowing his time and efforts will positively impact someone’s life. He expressed how inspired he is to see colleagues come together for a good cause.
“The event was incredibly impactful. It was so meaningful to witness what we can accomplish when we come together as one,” said Nusraty. “It was very heartwarming to be among so many people that seemed so passionate about making a difference. Team UP events like this are very motivating because they remind us that there is something larger than ourselves. Together, we can create lasting change.”

Jen Boyett helped organize the meal packing event. She is a Government & Regulatory Affairs Director for Comcast’s Florida Region and helps oversee the company’s outreach efforts in the area. Boyett said Comcast’s partnership with Hunger Fight is as rewarding for the volunteers as it is for the Jacksonville community.
“Hunger Fight is a great partner to Comcast. The work they do is crucial for the proper development of our children. Thanks to this amazing organization and the volunteers that partake in these events, students have a fair chance at education and one less thing to worry about,” said Boyett. “Hunger Fight is truly making a difference in North Florida and I am proud that Comcast can be such an instrumental part of it.”

Sherri Porter founded Hunger Fight in 2012. The nonprofit started with a small team of people producing and distributing flavorful, nutritious and shelf-stable meals to those at risk for hunger in the community. Over the last several years, the organization expanded programs to address two of the most important issues impacting children in school: hunger and illiteracy.
Some of the programs include Feed the Backpacks and Feed the Need to Read. Feed the Backpacks provides weekend nutrition for elementary-aged children who need additional support. Feed the Need to Read focuses on literacy skills in children from birth to five years and provides age-appropriate books to children each month.
Comcast is deeply invested in Florida’s First Coast. Since 2010 alone, Comcast has contributed more $5 million in cash and in-kind donations to different non-profit organizations, initiatives, community events and sponsorships throughout Greater Jacksonville.