West Palm Beach Community Leaders Celebrate Grand Opening of Free, WiFi-Connected Lift Zone in Historic Neighborhood

People at a ribbon cutting ceremony

Access to fast, reliable internet is a must in today’s digital world. From pursuing educational aspirations to finding new employment, Floridians often need an online connection to chase their dreams. Logging on just got a lot easier in the heart of one historic West Palm Beach neighborhood. Community leaders recently joined Comcast for the grand opening of its newest free, WiFi-connected Lift Zone. The technology leader teamed up with U.B. Kinsey Educational & Community Center to launch the Lift Zone inside their state-of-the-art facility.

people posing for a picture
Community leaders come together to celebrate Comcast’s new Lift Zone at the U.B. Kinsey Educational & Community Center.

The Lift Zone, open to the public, is located inside the community center at 720 8th St, West Palm Beach, FL 33401. This accomplishment marks the 94th Lift Zone for the company in Florida, a testament of Comcast’s continued partnerships with trusted nonprofit organizations across the Sunshine State.

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The U.B. Kinsey becomes Comcast’s 94th Lift Zone in the state of Florida.

To celebrate the Lift Zone at U.B. Kinsey Educational & Community Center, civic and community leaders from across the area gathered for a special ceremony. West Palm Beach Commissioner Christy Fox joined U.B. Kinsey’s Chair LaVoise Taylor Smith and gave remarks before the ribbon cutting.

The other special guests present for the event included:

  • Julia Dattolo – CareerSource of Palm Beach County, CEO
  • Michael Zeff – Chamber of Commerce of the Palm Beaches, CEO
  • Staff for City Commissioners Shalonda Warren and Christina Lambert
  • Kimberly Lea – Dean of Workforce, Palm Beach State College 
  • Abby Ross – Executive Director of Community Engagement & Special Assistant to the President, Palm Beach State College.
  • Dr. James Green – Director of the Palm Beach County Community Services Department
  • Amy Scandrett – Director of Advancement, Girl Scouts of Southeast Florida 
  • Sheriann Namer – Namer Consulting 
  • Katie Thompson – Interim CEO, Junior Achievement of the Palm Beaches & Treasure Coast 
  • Erica Henn – Vice President of Education, Junior Achievement of the Palm Beaches & Treasure Coast 
people posing for a picture under a balloon arch
U.B. Kinsey’s Board and Comcast representatives joined community leaders to celebrate the Lift Zone’s grand opening.

Christy Fox represents District 3 in West Palm Beach. The Lift Zone is now located in her area. Fox expressed how much Northwest means to her and the city. She said a future of unlimited possibilities is within reach when the private and public sectors come together to collaborate and find solutions.

“When I think about how we can empower and motivate the families of Northwest, I’m convinced that true change comes from partnerships like this one — initiatives that bring value to the work we’re already doing in the community,” said Fox. “Our residents, especially the young ones, need resources and people who prioritize them. They want people who will not only show up but will stay, guide, and invest in their future. And that’s exactly why Comcast’s involvement is so important. It’s not just about providing access to technology or resources, though that’s essential. It’s about showing these kids that there are people and organizations that believe in them. There are people who want to see them succeed.”

woman speaking at podium
District 3 Commissioner Christy Fox delivers her remarks at the Lift Zone’s grand opening ceremony.

The grand opening included some surprise announcements. Comcast’s Director of Government & Regulatory Affairs in Palm Beach County Rachael Bonlarron announced a special foundation grant of $15,000 for the center’s T.E.C.H. (Technology Empowerment & Community Harmony) Initiative. This program is designed to address and respond to the pressing needs of the Northwest community by increasing digital literacy and access, supporting educational development and fostering community engagement and social connections. Comcast also installed two large televisions to help facilitate digital skills training inside the center.

woman speaking at event
Rachael Bonlarron, Comcast Florida’s Director of Gov. & Regulatory Affairs in Palm Beach County, makes surprise announcement of a $15,000 foundation grant and two televisions.

Smith’s passionate work with the U.B. Kinsey Educational & Community Center’s Chair dates back years. She thanked Comcast for the company’s generosity and took the opportunity to remind attendees of the power of partnership, especially in underserved communities.

“Our goal has always been to provide, through collaboration with our community partners, essential services needed by those we serve,” said Smith.  “Because of Comcast we are now able to introduce our students to technology and teach them how to use computers properly, which is very important now that all of the testing in Florida is done digitally. This Lift Zone allows us to provide a solution that facilitates our students’ testing and responsibilities. Thank you Comcast for helping us add to our dream, our goals and to the technology footprint in the Historic Northwest. The opening of this Lift Zone in our center is priceless.”

people posing for a picture
U.B. Kinsey Educational & Community Center’s Chair, LaVoise Taylor Smith, and Board members welcome guests to the grand opening.

The U.B. Kinsey Educational & Community Center honors Ulysses Bradshaw Kinsey, a longtime Palm Beach County educator, activist, and member of Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church. The Center is a tribute to Mr. Kinsey’s rich legacy.

Comcast partners with city leaders and nonprofit organizations across Florida to launch Lift Zones in areas where people need free and fast WiFi. Lift Zones are part of Comcast’s Project UP – a $1 billion commitment over 10 years to reach tens of millions of people with a goal to connect them to the Internet, advance economic mobility, and open doors for the next generation of innovators, entrepreneurs, storytellers, and creators. To find a Lift Zone near you, click here

room set up with a podium and ballons
The Lift Zone at U.B. Kinsey is part of Comcast’s Project UP $1 billion, ten-year commitment with a goal to shrink the digital divide in the United States.

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